
RHEINZINK-PRISMO brushed white+

Material data sheet
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Half-round Gutter

…Proven classic: the half-round gutter from RHEINZINK Are you looking for a zinc gutter that is durable,…

Internal Gutter

… gutter is an attractive alternative to the classic curtain-type gutter. Both serve a functional…

Gebäude mit innenliegender Dachentwässerung

Pitched roof

… of history. But the story is not over yet, this classic roof shape is still full of innovation and…

Historic preservation

… successful.  The material used was 0.8 mm, bright rolled titanium zinc made by RHEINZINK. The…

Flora in Köln Wiederaufbau1

Megatrends in Architecture

… the combination of wood and the RHEINZINK CLASSIC bright rolled surface quality did without…


… 14025 Type III and EN 15804 for our RHEINZINK-CLASSIC and RHEINZINK-prePATINA product…

Box Gutter

… RHEINZINK design Of course, RHEINZINK offers classic gutter systems in precisely fitting sizes and…

Ausschnitt einer Kastenrinne in prePATINA blaugrau

Flat lock tiles

… flat lock tiles are a further development of classic square and diamond tiles especially intended for…

Historisches Schloss in Gbeľany mit Zinkdach in grorauten in der Oberfläche walzblank

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