
Titanium zinc

Density (spec. weight): 7.2 g/cm3 Melting point: 418°C Recrystallization temperature: > 300°C Expansion coefficient in rolling direction: 2.2 mm/m x 100 K Expansion

Werkstoff Titanzink

Megatrends in Architecture

The century of cities All over the world, more and more people are being drawn to cities - urbanization is in fact one of the major megatrends of the 21st century. In the 1950s, around 70

Seam technique

Seam technique- Inspiration for a traditional installation technique BENEFIT FROM OUR KNOW-HOW Every project has its individual characteristics, local


System Overview
pdf 3 MB


Material data sheet
pdf 675 KB


Material data sheet
pdf 348 KB


Material data sheet
pdf 851 KB


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RHEINZINK-PRISMO brushed white+

Material data sheet
pdf 197 KB

RHEINZINK Product Lines

Information on Material and Processing
pdf 647 KB


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