The right box gutter for your home
Functional roof drainage in innovative RHEINZINK design
Of course, RHEINZINK offers classic gutter systems in precisely fitting sizes and accessories in many designs and shapes. Zinc guttering is convincing due to its longevity and natural patina, which develops over time and even compensates for possible scratches due to its self-healing properties. In addition, the material has a high level of environmental compatibility.
Advantages of the RHEINZINK-box gutter
- Cool, elegant design language
- Comprehensive roof drainage range from a single source
- Precisely fitting and functionally reliable
Box gutter as an option
However, if planners and architects also want to break new ground visually in the area of guttering, then there is an attractive option. A real alternative to the classic semi-circular gutter as part of a curtain-type roof drainage system is the angular box gutter. Also made of durable titanium zinc, it immediately catches the eye due to its unusual shape. This creates interesting accents on the building, providing variety without compromising the functionality of the roof drainage system.
High product quality
Characteristic of the RHEINZINK product range is its high and consistent quality. However, it is not only the product quality, which is at the highest level, thanks to the use of high-quality raw materials and tried-and-tested manufacturing processes, which is convincing. Equally important is the quality of the handling, the simple and convenient assembly. Here, our range offers products for every need.
Box gutter: function and design
Choosing a box gutter means choosing function and design. In addition, a long service life including a guarantee of 40 years. Everything is available in terms of accessories that is necessary for safe, practical and reliable roof drainage. All products comply with current standards, are innovative, economical and virtually maintenance-free. Suitable accessories are also available for special needs. The easy handling of our rainwater gutters and roof drainage systems during installation is also convincing. This is done by means of suitable system technology, which guarantees speed and economy.
System technology box gutter
System description
- Roof drainage system according to DIN EN 612
- Consisting of gutter, accessories and downpipe
- Gutter with bead notch for simplified installation
RHEINZINK offers a variety of forms of gutters, downpipes and accessories. RHEINZINK-roof drainage products are manufactured and tested in accordance with DIN EN 988 and DIN EN 612. .
Dimensions & metal thickness
- Standard nominal gutter sizes 200 / 250 / 333 / 400 / 500
- Metal thickness 0.65 mm / 0.7 mm / 0.8 mm depending on nominal size
- Standard length 3.0 m (other lengths on request)
- Standard nominal sizes downpipes (square) 60 / 80 / 100 / 120
- Metal thickness 0.65 mm / 0.7 mm / 0.8 mm depending on nominal size
- Standard length 2.0 m
The nominal size of the gutter indicates the material cut, please refer to the illustration on the left for the exact dimensions. The nominal size for downpipes indicates the side length of the square cross-section.
According to DIN EN 612, gutters are divided into classes X and Y according to their bead diameter or the corresponding section modulus. Regular downpipes are divided into classes X and Y according to the dimension of the seam overlap. RHEINZINK-gutters and downpipes correspond to Class X and thus also meet the requirements of Class Y.
- Fastening of the gutter with specially manufactured gutter bracket
- Connection of the individual gutter lengths by soft soldering or gluing
- Fastening of downpipes with pipe clamps
- Alternative: RHEINZINK-Universal downpipe bracket for all nominal sizes and shapes
The gutters are fastened in gutter brackets specially manufactured for this purpose (according to DIN EN 1462). These, in turn, are fixed either to the eaves boarding, formwork, rafter (if necessary also laterally) or to the wall. The gutter must be dimensioned according to local requirements.
Rainwater downpipes are usually fixed to the supporting structure with conventional pipe clamps. The distance between the pipe clamps for pipes with a nominal size > 100 mm is max. 2.0 m, for a nominal size ≤ 100 mm the distance is max. 3.0 m. The minimum distance between the downpipes and the structure is 20 mm.
For further information on the fastening, arrangement and cross-section of gutter brackets, please refer to the brochure "Folding technology - planning and application" in the download area.
Design examples
Pre-hung gutter
- Roof drainage products according to DIN EN 612
- Installation with or without slope
- Dimensioning as a pre-hung gutter in accordance with DIN EN 12056-3
Pre-hung gutters can be installed with or without a slope to the drains. Standing water in the gutters does not constitute a defect.
In the event of a heavy rain event above the design rainfall intensity, emergency drainage takes place via the front edge of the gutter.
On-sill gutter
- Roof drainage products according to DIN EN 612
- Installation with or without slope
- Dimensioning as a curtain-type gutter in accordance with DIN EN 12056-3
The on-sill gutter differs from the pre-hung gutter only by the additional installation of a cornice cover, which is, however, technically completely separate from the gutter. If the RHEINZINK-roof drainage accessories cannot be installed, a craftsman's version must be used.
The cornice cover can be attached to a full-surface substructure using adhesive strips or glued. The minimum cross slope of the cover should not be less than 3° to avoid standing water.
Special form rear cornice gutter
- Gutter as edge profile
- Exterior and interior design possible
As soon as the rear cornice channel cannot drain to the outside, it is classified as an internal channel. In this case, technical information and the dimensioning of the internal drainage in accordance with DIN EN 12056 must be observed.
In contrast, rear cornice gutters with external function are treated as curtain-type gutters. Depending on the cornice width, the gutter can be designed in one or two parts. The handcrafted box gutter can either be inserted into gutter brackets specially made for this purpose or into a full-surface timber construction.
- Installation InstructionsExpansion Element/Bewegungsausgleicher
- Installation InstructionsRain Collector/Regensammler/Récupérateur pour tuyau de descente
- BrochuresRoof Drainage SystemSystem Overview
- Installation InstructionsUniversal Downpipe Bracket/Universal Fallrohrhalter/Kit de fixation pour descente
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