
Western University

London, ON, Canada


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Kitzsteinhorn - Nybyggnation under extrema förhållanden

ZINK PÅ HELA BYGGNADEN Kitzsteinhorn - Nybyggnation under extrema förhållanden Nybyggnation under extrema förhållanden Det är inte lätt att bygga på 3.000 meters höjd, där snön mäts

Reference project June 2024

The innovative construction method of the Korbach town hall Urban mining and sustainable construction The historic town centre of Korbach was redesigned as part of a comprehensive

Zertifikat IBU

Zertifikat IBU Urkunde Das Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) und dessen Mitglieder bekennen sich zum nachhaltigen Bauen. Im Zentrum der gemeinsamen Arbeit steht eine auf
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Residential Building Szczecin

Szczecin, Poland

The Polish Hanseatic city of Szczecin is located close to the German border, about 150 km north-east of Berlin. With just under 780,000 inhabitants, it is the seventh largest city in Poland…

School Building Flös

Buchs, Switzerland

Case bifamiliari Stocker Lee

Rancate, Switzerland

Louisville Library

Louisville, KY, United States

Titanium zinc for a combination of modernity and tradition The LEED-Gold certified and award-winning Louisville Free Public Library (LFPL) Northeast Regional Branch in Kentucky features a…

Louisville Library - Louisville, KY

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