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Historic preservation

… consideration included the fire safety requirements for the event halls and smoke extraction systems in the barrel roof. These visual breaks were not included in the original design brief and had…

Flora in Köln Wiederaufbau1

News archive

… complement the national availability of the Rheinzink roofing, facade cladding and water drainage systems, the company’s South African office offers a comprehensive support service, including technical…

House of Four Gables

… and sustainable zinc material is ideal for resilient roofing, façade and wall cladding systems. At the end of its useful life on the roof or wall façade, it remains 100%…

Pitched roof

… modules or even skylights can be elegantly and unobtrusively integrated at the top; modern systems can be almost invisible and add lasting value to the property. Climate change Increasing…

Surface Design

Product Information
pdf 3 MB

SWEEPER - Instructions for Use

… processing caused by dust, fingerprints from sweaty hands, marks or deposits from heating systems, they can be removed immediately when staining occurs with the help of RHEINZINK-Sweeper. This…
pdf 469 KB

Universal Downpipe Bracket/Universal Fallrohrhalter/Kit de fixation pour descente

… slide the standpipe collar onto the standpipe (Fig. 4, 10). Conductors of lightning protection systems can be clicked into the bracket. (Lightning rod clips included with delivery.) 1 2 3 4 5 6…
PDF 523 KB

Školení klempířů a řemeslníků

Zpět na domovskou stránku Trvání semináře: 5 dní (pondělí až pátek) Počet účastníků: max. 20 osob Aktuální cena a přihláška na poptání - kontaktujte nás:

Pultdachfirst, mit Leiste

…Dachsysteme - Doppelstehfalz
PDF 181 KB

Traufe, vorgehängte halbrunde Rinne, belüftet

…Dachsysteme - Winkelstehfalz
PDF 199 KB


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