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Ordering samples & support

We would be pleased to send you product samples of our roof and façade systems or material samples free of charge. For a sample request, please contact your personal contact person at…

Oberflächenvarianten prePATINA, CLASSIC und artCOLOR

RHEINZINK coils and sheets

RHEINZINK coils and sheets High quality – German-engineered When using high-quality materials such as zinc or titanium zinc, choosing the right manufacturer is key. …

Coil Halbzeug Werksfoto


RHEINZINK material advantages Long-lasting Durable High-quality Environmentally friendly More reasons to use RHEINZINK RHEINZINK-prePATINA ECO ZINC blue-grey …

Bauherren-Paar vor Einfamilienhaus mit Dachentwässerung aus RHEINZINK


RHEINZINK - your partner for inspiring innovations and effective architecture with space for your ideas. The varied range and applications of RHEINZINK Every property that uses…

Pterodactyl Culver City blaugrau

Megatrends in Architecture

Megatrends in Architecture Megatrends are a sign of comprehensive change in the world. Whether globalisation, urbanisation, individualisation or ecology, they shape our values and way of…

RHEINZINK v České republice

RHEINZINK v České republice RHEINZINK – jednička v titanzinku na celém světě Preferujete estetický ekologický materiál s dlouhou životností? Kvalitní německý materiál, dlouholeté…


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