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Contact us RHEINZINK is the world’s leading manufacturer of titanium zinc products. We are adressable worldwide. You haven't found what you're looking for? Use our contact…

Contact us

Contact us RHEINZINK is the world’s leading manufacturer of titanium zinc products. We are adressable worldwide. You haven't found what you're looking for? Use our contact…

Suspension House

System Description Vertical and diagonal installation Variable joint pattern Installation from top to bottom Fixing not visible Characteristics The characteristic feature of…


The material was installed in a double-standing seam on both roofs and an angled standing seam system on the facades. The double-standing seam can be used starting from a roof pitch of 3°…

Zinc - the perfect material for architects and planners

What factors are important when choosing materials for projects? We have asked architects and planners. Zinc - the perfect material for architects and planners Quality, identity,…

Ny rapport Kiasma

Återbruk - RHEINZINK beklädnadsmaterial från Kiasmamuseet, Helsingfors EN ZINK BEKLÄDNAD FRÅN KIASMA MUSEET I HELSINGFORS FÅR 3 NYA LIV På frågan vad hon tycker om att det gamla…

Ny rapport Kiasma

Genanvendt sink fra Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art i Helsinki EN SINK KLEDNING FRA KIASMA MUSEET I HELSINKI FÅR 3 NYE LIV På spørsmålet om hva hennes tanker er om at det gamle…

Nyeste Kiasma rapport

Siste rapport om Kiasma prosjektet

Nyeste Kiasma rapport

Den senaste Kiasma projekt rapporten

Seam technique

Seam technique- Inspiration for a traditional installation technique BENEFIT FROM OUR KNOW-HOW Every project has its individual characteristics, local…


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