RHEINZINK - synonymous with quality "made in Germany"

Since being founded in 1966, RHEINZINK has been one of the leading producers of titanium zinc in the world.

For the last 50+ years, RHEINZINK has been producing the highest quality titanium zinc at our company headquarters in the heart of the Ruhr region in Germany. From here, we export our premium titanium zinc across the globe.

At RHEINZINK, we have an extensive programme of products from gutters to facade cladding, dormers or roofing.

To ensure this claim, around 500 people work internationally every day on new innovative solutions, always perfectly tailored to your needs.

What our customers are saying

For me, buying quality products means that I'm sure I'll receive a tested and reliable product. The continuous quality assurance at RHEINZINK gives me confidence that every item that leaves their facility has been tested comprehensively, multiple times and in great detail.

For me, “Made in Germany” stands for certified high quality. I can count on the quality being right in the long term. Continuous quality control at RHEINZINK provides me with security; after all, I give my customers guarantees.

Compliance – commitment to ethical standards

As a subsidiary of the Grillo Group, we are committed to lawful behaviour, fair competition and to compliance with high ethical standards. For this reason, the implementation of our compliance guidelines is firmly rooted in our company policy. Our compliance commitment clearly professes our rejection of violations of any kind, particularly in the areas of anti-corruption and antitrust law.




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